Monday, 23 November 2009

I have officially started my Christmas shopping on the premise that once it's done it's done! Plus I'm getting a flight on Christmas Eve so that cuts out the last minute crazy shopping which can only be a good thing :o)

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Arm Candy

I live by the motto that you can never have enough pretty, lovely bracelets.....or bags, shoes and scarves for that matter. Here are some of the bracelets available on the website all at really great prices.

Monday, 16 November 2009 is live!!!

So after a few very long days, weeks and months of hard work I have finally launched the website. It's all been a bit nerve wracking & exciting but hopefully worth all the effort, the real work begins here!

As an introductory offer, there is free P&P on all orders over £25 to the UK and Ireland. Every little helps when it comes to Christmas shopping. I think it's time for (another) well earned coffee.